Fellow Pinterest friend Telma Baptista pinned the work of UK-based illustrator Sarah Maycock (via Handsome Frank) onto Pikaland’s Pinterest board recently and oh my, I’ve been looking at those brushstrokes over and over again just to see if I could re-trace her steps. While her strokes are wonderfully expressive and fluid; it belies how powerful it is – she’s great at bringing out the strongest feature of each character through each stroke.
Have a lovely weekend folks!
Wow- these are absolutely amazing. The most fascinating thing to me is that each of the illustrations uses a different way to construct them. The fox is a combination of bold and detailed strokes but with a heavy emphasis on colour; the bear is constructed out of bold strokes using varying amounts of water to distinguish between limbs; and the gorilla looks very detailed. Amazing work really! Great find.
I saw her work at Oh Comely! magazine and I had to go looking for more! Her work is certainly unique. I’m sure they’re even more amazing live, they’re enormous!
Thank you for sharing. These are so lovely! I love the fox. It’s hard to believe how expressive the image is, with what looks like relatively few brushstrokes.
Art heals. Sarah has been my doctor this afternoon. Literally. A bit unwell and lying in bed, I went back and back and back to these sketches, and here I am again. Sitting up, making my dogs laugh and making plans for tomorrow. Even the reply above was medicine, as I will now retrace these drawings with Charlotte’s eye as a guide. Thank you, one and all.
LOVE it!