Sponsor giveaway: Mia Christopher

Mia Christopher giveaway!

You know the week is off to a great start when there’s going to be more than one winner for a giveaway! 😉

This week’s fantastic giveaway comes from Mia Christopher, a multi-disciplinary artist based in San Francisco and is currently studying drawing and painting at California College of the Arts.

I’m a big fan of hers personally, so I’m really thrilled that she’s offering one original work titled Birthday Present, a 6.5“x8” original gouache on paper work that’s mounted to wood and coated in a clear resin to ONE lucky winner, and also a House print to another, which is a total of TWO happy people, yay!

Just leave your comment below (remember to hit “Submit” after you preview your comments!) and I’ll draw the name of the two lucky winners by 28th July!

See more of her work over at her website and also drop by her Etsy shop for prints and more!

UPDATE: Commenting has now closed, thanks so much for participating. The winner of this giveaway is Camila F & Dawn, as generated by random.org.

108 Replies to “Sponsor giveaway: Mia Christopher”

  1. Corrie says:

    oh goodness both pieces are so adorable! the elephant is MARVELOUS. and the cluster of houses look so cozy 🙂

  2. Crystal says:

    Oh, I love the cluster of houses! They’re adorable.

  3. flora says:

    Oh yeah I love Mia’s work!!! This is so exciting! 🙂

  4. Anne B. says:

    That house print looks fantastic! Count me in.

  5. Cails says:

    ahhh her work is sooo adorable! i’m in love with it (: !

  6. Claire says:

    Wow, both pieces are adorable. Love them! Hadn’t seen her work before, so thanks for the introduction 🙂

  7. Aparna says:

    Love the house print – so colorful and that elephant is just so adorable!

  8. lucy says:

    such lovely work!

  9. Ingrid says:

    Squee! How cute is that tiny elephant. __

  10. Anne says:

    I recognize the houses print from little paper planes; love it.

  11. Jessica says:

    Oh gosh I’m a huge fan of Mia’s work. Love ‘em!

  12. aijung says:

    love that elephant!

  13. Nadine says:

    lovely prints! thank you for the chance (:

  14. sarah says:

    love love luv!

  15. Amba says:

    wish I could be one of the lucky girls 🙂

  16. Miguel says:

    I love this girl’s work…and what a beautiful person!

  17. Tall Rabbit says:

    I like “Birthday Present” – I’ve been drawing a lot of animals wearing hats lately! 🙂

  18. Maeg Yosef says:

    ooh, i’ve got my fingers crossed for the house print, love it!

  19. Blandine says:

    That’s lovely, really!

  20. I just adore Mia’s gouache paintings. Those bright solid colors!

  21. tyler says:

    lovely, lovely

  22. Mi says:

    I want it!

  23. Lisa says:

    ooh ooh pick me pick me!

  24. Amber says:

    thanks for alerting me to mia’s work, very much enjoyed looking at it all on her website 🙂 now a big fan

  25. Nice prize! Thanks Mia and Amy for the giveaway! I’m in 🙂

  26. angela says:

    Yay! great giveaway!

  27. Lisa says:

    Yay!!!!!!! I love Mia’s work!

  28. Irit says:

    Birthday Present is too cute for words. Mia’s work is lovely!

  29. hmstrjam says:

    love Mia’s work!

  30. Ogait says:

    (I have to use one of my sisters e-mail)

  31. Chantal says:

    Lovely. The elephant and present is so sweet!

  32. Camz says:

    The house print is pretty!

  33. Ali S. says:

    this would help my efforts to start a print/artwork collection on a tight budget :]

  34. Melissa says:

    Love them so much!

  35. My Owl Barn says:

    Wow! I recently discovered her art work on Flickr and couldn’t stop admiring her pieces. This is such a great surprise for me. I have my fingers crossed!

  36. Estifan says:

    Her work is stunning! Love the house print!

  37. Kim says:

    I love the house and the elephant!

  38. valeriepica says:

    oh, i love this!

  39. Jutta says:

    Love the elephant piece! I have a thing for elephant’s, I even have a pink elephant tattoo 🙂

  40. nekocherry says:

    Hope to win! I love Mia artwork!

  41. Melissa H. says:

    These are beautiful! Very talented artist.

  42. britt says:

    super fantastic! love the colors of that second piece.

  43. Erin says:

    i’m LOVING that house print. love to have it to decorate my new apartment 🙂

  44. Excellent giveaway! The house print is adorable…

  45. redgrackle says:

    lee-til ellyfant, my walls would like to meet yü.

  46. Birthday Present is just gorgeous! And I have a new studio to decorate.

  47. ohh I love mia’s work! there is a tiny space left on my studion wall where the house print would fit really really well!

  48. Carol says:

    Love the little elephant 🙂

  49. AJ says:

    Happy day! I want 🙂

  50. Samantha says:

    Oh my that birthday one is too sweet!

    swagnerm [at] hotmail [dot] com

  51. Jessica W says:

    Oh its Mia ! I love her works, a fan of hers, she inspires me a lot !xxx

  52. The house print and the b-day elephant are so so is so pretty !!!

  53. I love Mia’s work, I would LOVE to win one of those 🙂

  54. Taylor says:

    can I have it????

  55. dawn says:

    me me me! i’d love to win 🙂

  56. aurelie says:

    i want to win!

  57. Lay Hoon says:

    Beautiful print !!
    I wish to be the happy person.

  58. beautiful work! I’d love to see it on my wall!

  59. Paola says:

    love her work!

  60. stefania says:

    ooohhhh Birthday Present is L O V E L Y ! ! !
    Super giveaway!!!

  61. jen says:

    Wow, love love Houses – and the photo is perfect. I want that print right next to where I work 🙂 it’s so lovely.

  62. Marjorie Jumisco says:

    Anything w/elephants is mine…the art is fun and I would surely love to own one of the pieces. Bless Mia and Pikaland!

  63. anita says:

    She is amazing! Big fan. 🙂

  64. elissa says:

    fantastic. I have all my fingers crossed.

  65. Kelsey says:


  66. Amy says:

    Whoa, I can imagine a whole room of people all having their fingers, legs and arm crossed, haha! 😉

  67. Lisa O. says:

    I love them both!

  68. Trisha says:

    awwww the pretty little houses are awesome <3

  69. Naomi Shiek says:

    I love that city view. Fingers AND arms crossed, you bet!

  70. Yu Ting says:

    heart the purple elephant~~

  71. Jennie says:

    ooo, i’ll cross my fingers to win! 🙂

  72. Camila F. says:

    She’s so talented, I love her work! 🙂

  73. Rachael McK says:

    Wow I am such a fan of her work I love the houses. Oh I hope I win one

  74. Amaranta says:

    Thank you so much!
    I will add this giveaway to my blog!

  75. Arlene says:

    wonderful giveaway!

  76. Danielle says:

    ohhh me please ! (:

  77. AnnaDenise says:

    The little houses are awesome!

  78. robyn says:

    so lovely! I would totally put that in my home.

  79. what sweet little prints! I adore both.

  80. hope says:

    I would love to own either of these two lovely illustrations! They are so whimsical and I love all the colors.

  81. Saga Bergebo says:

    Oh my, I love her work!

  82. Leah says:

    two really sweet prints!

  83. upstatelisa says:

    ooo! I love the houses!

  84. Bruce says:

    Such excellent work! The Kittie Corral is great!

  85. ladypajama says:

    it is worth a try! crossing fingers now.

  86. Stephanie says:

    Oh my gosh I hope I win one! These are so adorable..I don’t even know which one of the two I would want—hard to choose!

  87. Sara Morgan says:

    Ah, these are both extremely adorable!

  88. lovely prints, would be nice to win, fingers crossed…

  89. Emma Block says:

    Such beautiful work! xxx

  90. LaurAlvarez says:

    Love it, Love it, Love it!!

  91. Bryce Fauble says:

    Love the support offered to the up and coming. Nice work.

  92. i love seeing what you find. those houses are lovely. makes me think of living in the city even though they’re houses, not apartments–it’s the close proximity.

  93. love! gimmie gimmie gimmie, hahah :]

  94. Marieke says:

    Great prints! Love it. Bye marieke

  95. Nikki Russel says:

    Lovely work.
    It’s my grandad’s 88th Birthday this week and I was wondering what to get him.. so elephant it is!

  96. Jen says:

    oh oh, so glad i didn’t miss this! mia’s work is lovely.

  97. Laura Figiel says:

    I love her work and follower her on Flickr. Would love to win!


  98. wowza! i’m proud you all do what you do.

  99. I would love to put one in my studio!

  100. Bridget says:

    Hurrah! Thanks for the opportunity to win….

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