Giveaway #34: Allison Cole goodies!

allison cole giveaway!

Oooh, I bet you’re going to love this one! Allison Cole of Bang Bang You’re Thread (featured previously) is offering ONE lucky reader a chance to win her Take Us Home Tote and the Correspondence Card Set!

There are three different ways you can enter to better your odds:
1. Comment on this article; OR
2. Subscribe to our newsletter!; OR
3. Follow us on Twitter and tweet this message: I’m throwing my hat in the ring for the @pikaland Holiday Special Giveaway!

This giveaway will end on the 26th of December!

UPDATE: Commenting has now closed, thanks for participating!

84 Replies to “Giveaway #34: Allison Cole goodies!”

  1. Irit says:

    Yes, please! Who can say no to a bunch of cute vegetables? :-)))

    I also subscribe to the Pikaland newsletter.

  2. Nadine says:

    I love the card set hearts

  3. Maria carvalho says:


  4. M. says:

    this is so lovely! and the giveaway ends on my birthday ;D

  5. julia says:

    funny, sweet, charming!
    i love the tote!

    i´m crossing my fingers.

  6. audrey r. says:

    allison’s illustrations are just so incredible and sweet! i think they’re perfect for kids and adults alike!

  7. julia says:

    yeowza! best give away ever!

  8. Robyn says:

    who doesn’t love talking vegetables?!

  9. Franky says:

    clearly hallucinating

  10. Jen says:

    i just added that bag to my favourites on etsy the other week! would love to win these smashing goodies.

  11. Tyler says:

    I love things that don’t naturally have faces with faces!

  12. melanie says:

    Hurray! These are great!

  13. Alyssa says:

    Ahh so cute! I want that bag, I love food art!

  14. Aly says:

    So cute !! I may buy one even if I don’t win !

  15. Thereza says:

    lovely!!!! fingers crossed 🙂

  16. Gerlin says:

    Oh myyy this looks great! It took me a long while to realise how great tote bags are. At first I thought they were not handy and unflattering but now I use them all the time. Just great! I’m growing a collection – got a NousVous one, a Kraffhics one and a Gemma Correll one now – and this would be the best addition. Also: aww those cards!

    Let this be mine please.

  17. Maya says:

    Ooooo la la! Veggggggieeetablessss…

    I want i want i want! How cute! And what lovely carrots. I will share a yummy Indian carrot dessert recipe from my mum’s recipe book if I win :).

  18. Gemma says:

    oooo i LOVE this bag i soooo want!!! PLZ!!!!

  19. Roxann says:

    I love this bag. Plus I have three kids that need to eat more veggies. I am just saying. 😉

  20. kate says:

    the cutest! count me in!

  21. JenMeister says:

    Veggies with cute faces? Yes please! 🙂

  22. Yay! I just found you through Allison’s tweet and I would love to win. Of course. 🙂

  23. Manu says:

    very nice!

  24. Megan says:

    I love her stuff!

  25. Camila Faria says:

    This tote is amazing! I am in love!!!

  26. aga atarii says:

    veggies perfect MMMM fingers crossed

  27. Aijung says:

    cute cute cute! and i’m subscribed to the newsletter.

  28. BrendaLea says:

    Love the bag and the cards are adorable. Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. These are delightful !!! 🙂

  30. Beecher says:

    Yes yes! I love veggies! Count me in!

  31. lujing says:

    oh.I love these cards so much!!~~~

  32. melissa kaye says:

    What a lovely bag and cards! =)

  33. Kia Ora from New Zealand
    I love Pikaland (inspired me to start my own blog of New Zealand designey goodness) and i LOVE the ‘Take Us Home’ Tote!
    Alana xx

  34. sea says:

    yum yum yum! thank you

  35. Eliane T. says:

    What a lovely tote and cards!!!
    Thanks for the chance.

  36. Jacqueline says:

    Such a cute bag and cards. Hope I win 🙂

  37. isabelle says:

    Oh these are all just too lovely!

  38. Micco says:

    The give away ends on my birthday! Plus, it wreaks of VEGAN POWER. Clearly a sign this was meant for me, right?

  39. Dawn Tan says:

    So adorable! Would love to win it! : )

  40. Bea says:

    I love this tote and all the Allison´s illustrations so… why don´t try it???

  41. Ingrid says:

    I’m a big fan of ‘green’ bags and Allison’s illustrations 😀

  42. Jane says:

    Such a nice website…my first visit…thanks!

  43. charisma says:

    oh, those illustrations are too cute!

  44. Alexandre says:

    Ohhhh so sweet! I’d like to have them home for sure!

  45. Elissa says:

    oh oh oh . Pick me please!

  46. Ingrid S says:

    Sweet _ The veggies look so happy!

  47. Grace Toy says:

    This would make a cute gift! Thanks.

  48. Casey says:

    Yes, you are right – I love this one!

  49. emileee says:

    Those cards are adorable!

  50. Marije says:

    Wow, both the cards and the bag are very nice. Near to my new house (where i will ove into 1th of januari) is a shop specialised in biological food. I would use the bag to go shopping there.

  51. Liam says:

    give it to me, my wife will give me a kiss!

  52. Amy says:

    Add me in! It’s lovely.

  53. LaAlicia says:

    pick me, pick me! The bag is adorable and the correspondence set is even cuter! 🙂

  54. totey! totey! please be mine. you are sooooo very cute!

  55. Crystal says:

    Adorable tote to take grocery shopping!

  56. Leah says:

    such sweet illustrations!

  57. Brian Yen says:

    Who wouldn’t love a french Éléphant with Ballons?

  58. karlaanne says:

    toaster robothead is awesome 🙂

  59. littletjane says:

    yesh! so awesome. thanks a bunch!!!

  60. Cathie says:

    Cutest grocery bag ever!!

  61. Oh! I take those home all the time!!! That would be absolutely PERFECT for me!!! =D

  62. Blandine says:

    I love Allison’s work, that’s so gorgeous! (I have suscribed to your newsletter)

  63. Justin Chee says:

    Man these are SO cute!

  64. Mariana says:

    why aren’t there more ‘ahoy’ cards in the world?

  65. Erica says:

    wooo!! i love it!

  66. Carina says:

    Commenting. 🙂 Those are super-cute.

  67. Celina says:

    Oh. My. Gosh.

    woah, I’d love these. Amazing!

  68. maja says:

    i wanna take this home, oooh i wish i wish i wish!

  69. Boy do I love that little elephant especially! Thanks for the chance to win!

  70. kim baise says:

    Oooh! Let me take you home tote! Then we’ll go shopping and to the library and more shopping and..

  71. kareno says:

    adorable! _

  72. Emma Kidd says:

    I would love to take you home too. I would buy you some more vege friends to talk to.

  73. carina olaez says:

    aww i love the cards very much! and the veggie tote is cute

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