Visual Journaling- A Sneak Peek!

Thanks to everyone who left us a comment over on our Facebook page and retweeted our message for the big giveaway! We’ve picked out our winner, Effie Dee is the lucky lady who will be joining us in one of our Fall classes!

Also, we thought of sharing a little sneak peek into what our third installment of the Pikaland Artist Bootcamp will look like — below is a snippet of what you’ll be getting yourself into when you join in our class which begins this Sunday, 5th September!


“Often one on the largest obstacles to overcome when creating a story or plot or new work of art is the need to pre-think the story rather than letting it have an organic origin. Sometimes this puts the brakes on it completely. Nothing happens because you put too much pressure on the work looking completely as you see it in your minds eye, you intimidate yourself with your left brain way of thinking!

It’s as if you’re seeing Mt. Everest as a 29,000 ft tall mountain instead of a series of single steps that happen in an instant and organically. A mountain is intimidating, the steps aren’t! First graders don’t have this mountain view, children very rarely experience the un-doable (unless an adult instills it in them!). Children attempt things, they learn, they fall down and stand up. For this first week’s assignment we will silence the fearful adult and invite the adventurous child! Discovering new ways of operating and finding out what might be hidden within your left brain adult self!”

~ Excerpt from Week 1, Assignment 1: Breaking Barriers of Pika Artist Bootcamp 3: Create Your Own Story and Character Development

Through your moleskine we’ll unravel and discover your own unique voice! From the grocery store to the cafe to your desk and a friends hand, you’ll tote your journal with you wherever you go,gathering source materials, inspirations, new ideas— pasting, cutting, spilling, inking, stamping, photographing, creating along the way!!

jazz legend moleskine

What personality will your moleskine take on?


What stories will you have to share?!


What exciting new characters will you create??


There’s so much more to uncover, so won’t you join us? 😉

Also check out our second Installment of Making Your Mark which will start on the 5th of Sept as well — the first installment completely sold out and was a total blast!

From looking at art in person to targeting your specific likes, fears and inspirations, we’ll journey as a class through your art and help find and polish your creative voice. Now how’s that for an awesome Fall semester? 😀 Treat yourself, learn, grow, and most importantly jump start your creative fire!

P/S: Limited spaces are still available for both classes!

** Note: because of the longer course duration there’s been a slight price increase, which equals to an addition of approximately $3 per week. The longer duration involves a longer and more engaging investigation into your artwork! We felt the longer duration was needed to more fully develop the work of the students and at the request of our first group of students actually increased the duration of our Making Your Mark course from 4 weeks to 6 and our Visual Journaling course to 5 weeks. The added time adds value to the course, as we get to know you and your work better and as we see your work progress through a series of assignments, we can give more insightful and meaningful critiques!

Eleanor Rudge

Love the thick heavy black lines and mark making found in the work of British artist Eleanor Rudge. The confidence of her marks is aggressively soothing. I could get lost in that abstract elegant tangle of tree limbs for hours or meditate on that pattern of marks made below the mountains all day…

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